Academic Rules & Regulations

We are compliant to CBSE Curriculum Standards. Checkout all the documents that are required by CBSE to keep us compliant to their standards

  1. Parents should see that their children do not be absent themselves from school, excape under unavoidable circumstances.
  2. All pupils must come to school at on time and in full clean prescribed unifroms on all working days and at all school functions.
  3. Pupil Should strictly follows the school timings prescribed
  4. Every pupil is expected to be in the school, live minutes before the first bell.
  5. All Pupils should take part in the prayer without fail.
  6. Pupils should maintain strict discipline inside as well as outside the classrooms
  7. Pupils should wear neat and trim uniforms on all working days. Shirts should be smartly tucked in. Boys should see that their hair is trimmed at regular intervals.
  8. All home works must be complted and submitted in time without fail.
  9. Puplils are responsibe for the care of their personal belongings. Expensive jewels or ornaments are totally banned and the school management takes no resposibility to their loss.